2020 Supporter Survey 2020 Supporter Survey As a supporter of Students for Life, we need your advice on how to proceed with our 2020 programs. Please fill out your survey below and then consider making a generous tax-deductible contribution today! In order to keep your most critical operations running with limited resources, as a Students for Life supporter, I advise you to (Please Select One):Preserve your resources by cutting back on your attacks on Planned Parenthood – even though they remain a major roadblock to passing pro-life laws OPTION 1: Cut Back Attacks on Planned Parenthood Preserve your resources by cutting back on your attacks on Planned Parenthood – even though they remain a major roadblock to passing pro-life lawsPreserve your resources by curtailing efforts that encourage your pro-life student groups to fight back against the Abortion Lobby’s attacks OPTION 2: Cancel Mobilizations Against the Abortion Lobby in 2020 Preserve your resources by curtailing efforts that encourage your pro-life student groups to fight back against the Abortion Lobby’s attacksPreserve your resources by cutting short your campus tour designed to change hearts and minds on first trimester abortion by showing students that a heart starts beating at just 21 days OPTION 3: End Your 150-Campus Heart to Heart Tour Preserve your resources by cutting short your campus tour designed to change hearts and minds on first trimester abortion by showing students that a heart starts beating at just 21 daysPreserve your resources by cutting short your campus tour designed to change hearts and minds on first trimester abortion by showing students that a heart starts beating at just 21 days OPTION 4: DON’T CUT BACK -- RAMP UP ALL OPERATIONS. GO ALL IN! Preserve your resources by cutting short your campus tour designed to change hearts and minds on first trimester abortion by showing students that a heart starts beating at just 21 days(By selecting this option, I hope you understand what you are asking us to do. Please renew your support for 2020 with your most generous tax-deductible gift possible)Do you still believe in Students for Life’s mission to abolish abortion in our lifetime? YES! No Will you renew your support for Students for Life by making tax-deductible contribution today? YES! I’ll give $20.20 YES! I’ll give even more! Your Personal Advice for Kristan (optional):First Name* Last Name* Email* Phone (optional) Send me occasional alerts via text