Is it ok to bully a pregnant woman into an abortion?
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  • Abusers routinely use Chemical Abortion Pills to rid their wives, girlfriends, and sex-trafficked girls of pregnancies the abusers don’t want.

    In fact, in one case that made national news, a lawyer was caught sneaking an abortion pill into the drink of his estranged wife in order to kill their preborn child!
  • The Abortion Lobby loves to tell everyone who will listen how “pro-woman” they are.

    But even CBS News was forced to admit in a recent headline that “Abortion tied to sharp decline in women’s mental health” as women who have abortions often have severe psychological problems.

    Not only that, but at least 28 women have died after taking Chemical Abortion Pills (that we know of) – not even counting all of the preborn babies who’ve died.
  • Based on their last annual report, Planned Parenthood put to death 374,125 little boys and girls in 2022 alone.

    That’s 1,025 little boys and girls who are killed by the Abortion Goliath every day.

    Americans are supporting these killers with our hard-earned tax dollars -- $600 million per year!

    Then Planned Parenthood turns around and spends a fat chunk of that money to DEFEAT pro-life politicians.
  • Nearly 90% of abortion facilities are located within walking distance of a college campus.

    That’s because college-aged women are exactly who Planned Parenthood depends on for their bloody business and their political power.

    With 1,447 chapters, Students for Life is the ONLY national pro-life organization working to turn young people against abortion – a demographic that could decide everything in 2024.