Supreme Court Poll Results

Do you SUPPORT the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic reversal of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision?

Thanks for completing your poll. Now will you answer a few followup questions?

  • Followup:

  • Planned Parenthood committed 354,871 abortions last year and raked in over $600 MILLION in taxpayer funding.
  • The Hyde Amendment blocks direct taxpayer funding of abortion except in extreme cases. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pledged to REPEAL this critical protection, paving the way for taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand up until the moment of birth.
  • With the REVERSAL of Roe v. Wade the Abortion Lobby is going berserk. Pro-abortion politicians like Nancy Pelosi are steaming ahead with calls to abolish the Senate filibuster and codify Roe v. Wade into federal law.
  • 8 out of 10 Planned Parenthood facilities are located within walking distance of a college campus. Now, Planned Parenthood is attempting to set the sex-ed curriculum of middle and high schools. And some universities even give college credit for internships at Planned Parenthood. Even many Christian schools list the Abortion Goliath as a “trusted resource” for their students.

    Students for Life has been the primary force stopping Planned Parenthood from expanding their foothold on campuses across America and many young women have even canceled their appointments with Planned Parenthood after speaking with our trained pro-life leaders.
  • The national media and pro-abortion protesters do everything possible to hide the truth that abortion ends innocent lives. They’ll stoop to any low to cover for Planned Parenthood including violence and intimidation tactics.

    Just in the past few months, the Cancel Culture mob has stomped on, ripped up, and set on fire Students for Life’s pro-life displays.
  • There is so much at stake in the coming months. The Abortion Lobby is more extreme – and emboldened – than ever before. Students for Life is the largest and most effective pro-life youth group in the nation – changing minds and saving lives by turning young people (Planned Parenthood’s target demographic) pro-life.